
Commander Strax

 So, before I got distracted by Bio-Cup, and in generally building, I was posting my models from new Elementary's Flowerfest. This won't be the last MOC of it but this was the last one I built; I had used most of the interesting parts but I still wanted to so something with the medium nougat pauldrons used as rose petals in the set. I just fiddles with them and sculpted with them; I noticed that the bar connection made a nose, and I was able to make another connection inside by sticking a clip between the support prongs of the bar addition. The medium nougat mudguards from the set made humorous ears.

I first thought it would make a humorous stereotypical "politician", with a suit and a tie. But I had been watching some Dr. Who (Capaldi series) and it struck me that the doodle looked quite a bit like good Sontaran Commander Strax... The suit would still have been appropriate, as Strax tends to wear suit in Victorian London, but I went with the full Sontaran armour as it was recognizable - and I wanted to use some sand blue I had gathered. The head jutted perfectly into the ring of macaroni bricks, so I knew I was in the right direction. I didn't use any other Botanical set parts in this, as the ones I used were heavily enough in the focus - and sand and dark blue colour scheme didn't offer any possibilities.

Working with limited colour was relatively easy; Strax's physics and Sontaran armour design is well suited fot brick building. Funnily the dark blue shoulder pads were the hardest part, as I didn't seem to have any hollow bit in the right colour (I only got two dark blue bohrok head shells some time later). I solved this by making the pauldrons separate blocks with joints for both the shouder and the rest of the arm; thsi allowed a natural stance. The sand blue areas formed itself around few different elegantly shaped curved parts from early 2000's my childhood sets.

The eyes were late addition. It looked alright (and rather dramatic!) with just dark areas under the neanderthalian brow. They eyes help to focus on the head, though. They're 1x1 round tiles connected to battle droid arms.




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