
Roller Girl

 This model was built for a New Elementary review on 31148 Retro Roller Skate. I requested to review this set because its bright pink tyres; inside-out tyres have been used by builders for years to create organic shapes impossible with regular pieces. Those shapes were even more exclusive in 10 or 15 years ago when the palette of curved slopes was much smaller. However, those shapes remained exlusive to black. Lego released some non-black tyres - you can find more about them on the article - but those were small ones, unable to be turned inside out. This changed this year when this innocent Creator rollerskate was released, alongside with two Space supertheme Technic sets with light bley wheels. I haven't got those, but I'd like to try them.

But for now, it's pink time. The set was a retro roller skate so I designed a retro roller skater with a same colour scheme (especially on the skates). I used one tyre on as a tank top, leaving still three more for othe builds. Additionally, some light aqua parts from the set are used on the skirt. The first version has a short, black hair, but I went with medium nougat as the black contrasted to heavily with the overall bright but serene scheme. I added a bit contrasting black with the ear buds, though - as the element they're quite "graphic", a thin curving line to contrast on those large, light colour areas.

As a process this was a fast and relatively easy. The legs were recycled from an old WIP that didn't need them (the design had took another direction away from those bare legs). The arms recycle old tricks anyway. The main goal was to display the piece usage and it worked effortlessly. The rest was simply establishing the nature and the feel of this character.

- Eero.


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