I built this for New Elementary's 3x3PO parts festival last December. After that we moved to a brand new apartment, which included some decoration and other kinds of "being busy" - hence no new models so far (I've finished one MOC this year). On the other hand, my building premises are better than ever, so I'll make new stuff before too long - no worries.
The seed parts are from 75398 C-3PO - you can see all the new and rare parts I photographed via that link. The set has wonderful variety of new pearl gold pieces, and many of them are very fitting for organic builds. My MOC article on New Elementary was solely dedicated to this model, so I won't go to details here. In short, I wanted to make something luxuriously elegant, as suggested by the gold bricks. This meant a flowing golden party dress. And to make it different from my usually standing models, it's built into a relaxed, lounging pose. This enabled me to develop some new stuctural systems. It's quite impossible to build a garment like this that would adapt into sitting poses, so different torso structure is needed. This one has several joints along the spine line. On the other hand, I was able to build the legs shaping-first, as they don't have to support the weight.
The sofa is an old tablescrap, initially built to store masses of Brick Curved 8 x 2 x 2 (41766) after demolishing Grand Hotel Kudelma couple of years ago. I like the combination of pearl gold and dark red, refreshed by the green plants. There are sort of reduxes of 2025 Four Gentlemen botanicals I reviewed for New Elementary sligtly earlier. The goal was to establish atmosphere and to create colour harmonies. Integrating large-scale plants to my character models is certainly something I'll consider more often in the future.As this MOC was already published a couple of weeks ago in New E, I've already received some feedback and questions, some concerning the hair. The bangs are reddish brown sausages, connected to the the plume holes of 1x1 round plates with bar (coffee filters) by their end pegs, whereas the bun has some ziplines tied into a knot.
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