
Anonymous Person in Red Power Armour

This model was built for my New Elementary article on Botanical Collection (or Icons? Who knows?) Bouquet of Roses set. When writing the article, I forgot to name the MOC. Somehow, the completely opaque face plate of the helmet feels fitting for the anonymity, so I kept it. 

This was a surprisingly fast and flowing build in the middle of Bio-Cup builds; I wanted to get the article out to be able to use some of the parts on the later Cup rounds, in case I don't drop early on. Many of the key parts in the set are very fitting for more constraction- (Bionicle-) heavy models of the Cup. To avoid using up all my Bionicle potential and ideas on this non-Cup build I focused more heavily on a System construction coated with the beautiful, round armour plates used as the petals of the differently-aged roses. 

The interesting pieces here are the shoulder armours with open-ended bar on one end, used on the shoulder pads, chest amour and knee sides; the Iron Man face-plate armour, used on the helmet, waist, chest and butt; Ninjago EVO armour shell, used on the shoe tips; and the thin sausage-ish mudguard, used on the shoe rims, below the knee joints and on the chest armour as well. The first mentioned armor shell was the most inspiring, as the placement of the connection point enables many elegant shapes: no connecting structures as needed inside the shape. I wrote quite lenghtly about the piece uses and connections on the New Elementary text, so I won't go deeply in them here. The article includes also some breakdown photos on the techniques used.

Instead I'll write about the subject and the concept. My initial ideas were more samurai-esque, but I ended up making more synthetic and futuristic design to reflect better the monochromatic red colour scheme. However, some of the samurai vibe remained on the shoulder armour, for example. My other references were more sci-fi. I wanted to make something esque to Killjoy, a Klaanon character, and some related art of by a person named Howi3; I also though of the Praetorian guards of the Last Jedi and their monochrome red armours. However, I did not spend much time looking at any reference material - I let the parts speak for themeselves.

I knew from the beginning that this was going to be a human character. I find building humans more interesting than robots, mechs and such. The rounded petal pieces felt fitting for feminine shapes, so this turned out to be a genderswap Killjoy sort of thing. Along with the pieces from the set I used a red tongue-shapes windshield as an upper leg armour - one armour, as I was shocked to find that I owned only one in red (I have maybe 20 in dark red). It was only available in one set, an impressive Technic motorcycle, and I didn't have interest (nor time) in to Bricklink another one. Aesthetically, it was spot on, so I kept the one and made a sort of holster on the other leg. It hold some sort of simple machinery; I didn't want to include a weapon, as I don't like them and the design didn't require any.

This model includes both a helmet and a head. I wanted the head to be relatively mundane, with a mass of blonde hair but without any sci-fi details such as cybernetic parts or similar. She ain't Samus as Samus has a ponytail, of course. Having the head and helmet separate allowed some heroic helmet-holding photos that felt new and unique in my repertoire. 



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