This is also another sort of milestone because this is also the first LUG exhibit with me being the main organizer on the LUG's behalf. Everything went alright, expect for one vitrine, which was 30 centimeters shorter than I was told; Ismo "Awis" Aavaharju had to shorten his "Lost Highway" model down from 197cm to 170 cm. Luckily MOCs are at least somewhat flexible in this manner. I was also asked to ask our members to send photos of creations for the wall art. Nobody sent anything, so they made those glorious canvas prints of my creations, 13 in total (Cohen the Barbarian, Porco Rosso, Lingeán, BotFA Dwalin, Susan Sto Helit, three houses of New Century Corner, Dragon Dance, I am the Mole, Mace-bearer, Noa Excela Aura, Gale Serpent Arises, Foraois, Clam-type heavy diving suit, Forfhuarú and Kushana). I will get the prints after the exhibit. Though I must confess that some members though I meant mosaics, which were offered, but the museum didn't want them. Exhibit's home page features my work too, along with the promotional material of the show.
Ah, yes, the MOCs featured? There were 12 builders, and here's some photos. They are not of very good quality, and unfortunately I didn't have any decent photos featuring cabinet with Aavaharju family's Finland 100 MOCs: Kantele, Aalto vase, book and border.
Dragon battle by Asser/Tiikeli:
Timo Mäkinen drives rally hood up by Olli Mäkinen:
Lost Highway by Antti, Arttu and Ismo Aavaharju:
Smith Ilmarinen plows the viper-ish field by Antti Aavaharju:
Little red hut with potato plot by Mikke Palvanen:
Maisa-Kyllikki by Fanny & Janne Kortelainen:
Aaand then there's my work.
Quite lot of it, actually, because a. I am a local man b. my student flat (currently shared with no one, actually) doesn't fit very big numbers of MOCs. So I dumped them to the exhibit, so to speak. Well, actually around half of them were imported from Joensuu by my parents. Thanks, parents.
Anyway! Three boxes, one holding Brand New New Century City Block, which I have mentioned probably in every post during the last half a year; and one for misc character builds (recent stuff mostly) and one for Discworld builds (Wizards of UU and City Watch). But you know that stuff already. Let's focus on the block.
Firstly, I would have liked to photograph this thing properly before shutting it inside the glass box, but I didn't really have a chance, so proper photos posted on Flickr and Eurobricks and Palikkatakomo will wait until the exhibit's over. These remain as Special Preview Pictures for the readers of the blog. It is, you know, very hard to photograph anything behind a glass, especially when there's dozen of other boxes nearby reflecting things. But I hope you enjoy the block on this brutal presentation.
House of the Sword of Justice:
House of the Firefighter Alliance:
Corner of the Honour of the Empire:
House of the Sunrise (In the middle):

Domus Lupus:
And the other cabinets:
Palikat Pinoon/Brilliant Bricks at Vapriikki till 13.4.2017.
And the third one... This is a special case, as the builds displayed there are not my property; They're just built by me. Last summer we had a brick convention in Harjavalta and there was this Constraction building table. I slept at the indoor ice rink where the event was held (what an adventure) and during the night I built this demoness with machine gun leg, and some samurai dude too. Aforementioned Ismo Aavaharju who owned the pieces took the creations to his Imatra Legoista display in Citymarket Imatra. They have got good feedback despite being rather chaotic builds. But fun ones, admittedly.
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