
Iron Builder VII: Go green!

This was the fastest, easiest and most popular build on my Iron Builder. The shape of the piece is around perfect for realistically sized paint brush; I've used them things countless times. Add metal guard and nicely shaped wooden handle and some paint drops and that's it.

But it's too perfect use. Sean and Steph Mayo already used it on their April Fools IB round back in 2014. 

Now it's quite embarrassing. Sean and Steph are very talented and prolific builders, and I'm sure I saw their brush in 2014. But that's 3 years ago, and I've seen lot of builds since then, and I couldn't remember it. I feel I should have checked; But then again, I didn't want anything to mess up with my thoughts. There is lot of suggestions for the uses of the piece on their creations Flickr comments, and I'd rather not read them (I believe no one come up with the Floo Network though). But S&S and Guy were cool on this; Thanks to them! You can't think too much during Iron Builder. Just build.



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