Nori is quite a basic dwarf construction-wise. There's some little tricks used to make his unique - The use of old dark grey and dark bley to create the correct color patterns, the hidden knives and foremost the odd starfish hairdo. I'm especially pleased with those whips used to connect the eyebrows to the hair. The beard has design similar to Thorin, but with three braids added. The side braids are minfig legs, similar to Glóin moustache. There weren't much joint pieces in brown so I had to improvise again, but it looks quite cool.
The arms are deadly similar to Bifur's with barrel bracer and all. Boots have some diversity, though. Back of the have couple of hidden knives in case of sticky situation or goblin kerfuffle. As always, the were the last part to be build.
Now it might be a while before I have the next dwarf built. I have only three left: The three of the youngest, Fili, Kili and Ori. Ive already built Fili's and Kili's heads, but have lack of dark brown parts to build their coats. Ori is another challenge. I have no sense how I could achieve the lavenderish color of his coat! But time will tell, as always.