
Revamp-revamp: Natalie Breznikova

Okay, I confess, I'm late. But doing a BL order is gorram oppressive: You think it's fun to pick up different bricks on cheap, but when you are a stingy man like me, the loss of money makes you forgot half of the stuff you intended to buy.

That, of course, has nothing to do with my new HF Natalie Breznikova revamp. I have posted One on the dark early days of this blog, so this is kinda a revamp of the revamp as I said on the title. The original breakout Breez is nice set (Though HF as a theme is quite boring) but has some cons, too. I left the cool things from original set: Holo shield (Connector changed), blade thing (extended handle), rocket heels and blaster (with sights added) what is probably my favourite launcher design ever.

The changes I made are quite simple, but it's a revamp built on set after all. I changed the big torso to smaller one to give more feminine look. I removed the round Samus Aran -style shoulder pads and added TECHNIC panels to match the fin motif on the helmet.

The technically most challenging part was to give the shins a proper armoring, though my design is very simple and consist of three parts. I'm still very happy to it, because the original design with only other side covered looked always kinda awkward. Small SYSTEM parts can do big things with HF parts, thanks to bar holes on the shells.



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